Religious Education
Holy Trinity Catholic School is the largest and most important ministry of Holy Trinity Catholic Church. As such, all students, Catholic and non-Catholic are expected to participate in religion classes, prayer, and liturgical services.
Students receive religious instruction and formation daily. Students attend Mass on holy days of obligation and weekly on Fridays or the last school day of the week at 8:10 AM. Classes take turns planning the liturgy. Students are encouraged to participate in the Mass and have opportunities to cantor, serve, bear gifts, and lector.
The school participates in para-liturgical services, praying the rosary in October and May, and the Stations of the Cross during Lent.
Students pray frequently as a class during the day: early morning, before snacks and lunch, after recess, and at the end of the day. They are also encouraged to pray individually.
Students in 2nd grade receive the sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist. Students in 8th grade receive the sacrament of Confirmation.